Help us raise $10,000 in July!
Don't forget, every dollar you donate is a great help for our programming.

11 Jul 2015 - 25 Jul 2015

Western Avenue Community Center
8:00am - 5:00pm

Western Avenue Community Center's Playground Revitalization Project has begun!  There were three workdays to dismantle and remove the existing playground (July 11, 15, and 25). A special thanks to Tracy Boitnott for the use of the Bobcat used to remove the vertical posts. Also thank you to everyone who helped with the removal of the equipment: Amy, Tony & Tommy Cottone, Donny, Jeff Gendron, Mike Jones, Eric Rehtmeyer, Brian Trower, Denny Steele, and Jeff Woodard.


Jeff Woodard, Brian Trower & Denny Steele

Tony, Donny, Denny & Tommy



Jeff, Brian & Denny

Posts are down!



Denny, Tony & Donny

Denny & Donny



Existing playground is gone!